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Covid Planning

Ugh… I’m so tired of talking about Covid but with events, it’s important that we cover it. You need to have a Plan B in case your event gets disrupted. Are you willing to reduce the number of guests invited in case your venue can only be at 50% capacity? If so, I would start working on a Plan B guest list as you make the Plan A list. That way, if something changes you are ready.

How will you handle postponing your wedding if you decide to push back the date or the venue temporarily shuts down? How you notify your guests will depend on how much time you have before your event date. If you have plenty of time, I would recommend mailing an announcement letting everyone know that plans have changed. If your date is coming up, you can use the texting feature available on most wedding sites to let guests know about any changes. If your wedding website does not have a texting feature, email works too. When you get your new date, be sure to communicate that as well using any combination of the methods listed above.

If you plan on having your guests wear masks, that is something you need to address on your website. Social distancing is tough at events! Especially when you are bringing family and friends together that may not get to see each other very often. In addition to addressing it on your website, you can also have a sign at your welcome table that asks people to please wear a mask. If you are going to ask that masks are worn, you should have a basket of disposable masks at your welcome table for guests that missed the website reminder.

Know what your venue and vendors’ policies are when it comes to covid and be sure to check your event insurance coverage. Some insurance policies have a clause built in that does not cover the cancellation of events due to a pandemic.

Be prepared for everything. Having a Plan B in please will also save you time and stress in the long run.

(Photo by Ahmed Yusuf from Pexels)

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